Tuesday 24 July 2012

Monitor your Tomcat Server with Psi-Probe

Psi-Probe is an excellent Tomcat and JBOSS server monitoring tool. Setting it up is as easy as uploading the application, which comes packaged as a WAR file. Before setting it up, create a user with the role probeuser, in your conf/tomcat-users.xml.
Psi-Probe allows you to manage and monitor the server's health (memory usage, cpu usage, OS and server information) as described in the screenshot below.
PSI-Probe Memory Monitoring Console

Psi-Probe also allows you to restart the server JVM and kill threads. Another interesting feature of Psi-Probe is that you can see which jsps are not being used by the application. These jsps get tagged with the status 'outdated' while the jsps which are being used by the application  have a status of 'compiled'. Further, you can also manage requests based on session IDs and monitor the average response time.

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