After 2.5 years, JFreeChart came out with a new release of the toolkit on Nov 21,2011.Version 1.0.14 promises bug fixes, improvements in the TimeSeries graphing and much more. Over the last few years, JFreeChart has been a popular open source choice for charts and graphs in Java. The previous version has been download close to 430,000 times and while there are not many examples available describing the usage of the toolkit, installing it and implementing it in a Java application is relatively pain free.
Currently, the Maven repositories have not been updated with this release and you will need to manually install it into your local repository. To do so:
Currently, the Maven repositories have not been updated with this release and you will need to manually install it into your local repository. To do so:
- Download the latest release from the source-forge download page. Unzip the jar onto your local file system to any directory, say C:\jFreeChart\jfreechart-1.0.14
- Open a command prompt in the directory where you have your Maven POM located and invoke the following command from the command line:
- mvn install:install-file -Dfile=C:\jFreeChart\jfreechart-1.0.14\lib\jfreechart-1.0.14.jar -DgroupId=jfree -DartifactId=jfreechart -Dversion=1.0.14 -Dpackaging=jar
This should install jFreeChart into your local Maven repository. Now you can add a dependency to the Maven POM as follows:
jfree jfreechart 1.0.14 compile