Saturday, 23 July 2011

Mock or Stub.. Test it inside out!!

If you have been living in the Test Driven Development (TDD) world, then Mocks and Stubs will be second nature to you. The very philosophy of writing a test case before writing any code sounds like putting the cart before the horse but when you start implementing the practice, it all begins to make sense. Your tests before 'smaller'. They don't have dependencies between them and your code is  much more readable and easier to maintain.

Mocking and Stubbing are two essential components of TDD. While they may appear to perform the same function, they are different sides of the coin. To understand the similarities and the differences between these two forms, consider for example, the class, Compute defined as follows:

public class Compute {
private Integer a;
private Integer b;
public Integer getA() {
if (a instanceof Integer)
return a;
return null;

public Integer getB() {
if (b instanceof Integer)
return b;
return null;

public Compute(Database db) {
this.a = db.getA();
this.b = db.getB();

public Integer addNumbers()
if  ((getA() != null) && (getB() !=null ))
return getA() + getB();
return null;

public static void main(String[] args) 
Compute comp;
Database db = new Database();
comp = new Compute(db);



In this example, Compute is getting its input from another class, Database. In the real world, Database would be actually be an RDBMS such as Oracle or MySQL. Since running test cases against a LIVE database can bring in additional complexity such as the setting up of a connection, running an SQL statement against the tables and retrieving the data, Mocking and Stubbing allows the role of the Database to be mimicked.

While there are several subtle differences, the major difference between the frameworks is that Mocks enable the testing of the behaviour of the code while Stubs allow the final result  to be tested.

To test the add Compute with the EasyMock framework, I would 'mock' the behaviour of the Database class using the EasyMock framework as follows:

 Compute compute;
Database mockDB;

public void setUp() throws Exception {

mockDB = EasyMock.createMock(Database.class);

public void tearDown() throws Exception {
mockDB = null;
compute = null;

public void testAddNumbers() {
compute = new Compute(mockDB);
assertEquals(300,compute.addNumbers(), 0);

In the  EasyMock, approach outlined above, we set up the expectations related to how the method calls related to retrieving and adding two numbers would play out and then Assert the actual result against the expected. To understand the code, check out this excellent summarisation of EasyMock. The main rule of thumb while writing a Mock is to specify exactly what should happen and no more

Using Stub frameworks, such as StubOuts to test the above scenario would require creating a Class that implements the addNumber and subtractNumber methods of the Compute class and returns hard coded values, to suit the test. For example, the testAddNumbers  method would look like this:
public Integer addNumbers()
if ((getA() == 100)  && (getB() ==200 ))
return 300;
return null;

Mocks and Stubs are both powerful ways of testing code and catching regression.However both frameworks are applied differently and are suitable in different scenarios. To ensure a robust testing framework, both approaches should be used in conjunction.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Java 7 is finally here...

With Java 7 (codename : Dolphin, Project Coin) slated for an official July 28, 2011 release and a developer preview available, it is encouraging to see the excitement generated by the Java 7 celebration webcast. Its been around 18 months since Oracle absorbed Java and there was a bit of uncertainty when all one would see in the Java updates was be the re-branding of JDK with the Oracle logo.

While Java 7 doesn't promise any ground breaking features, there will be an improved I/O API and a few other bits and pieces (Strings in Switch constructs, Easier Generics, Improved error handling and readability of code). It is also encouraging sign for developers that Java based applications will continue to thrive and move in an expected direction guided by the JCP.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Building RCP applications with Eclipse

While Eclipse is a well known and respected development platform, it also serves as a basis for the development of RCP (Rich Client Platform) applications. In doing so, Eclipse presents itself as an open tools platform. Since the architecture of the Eclipse platform is modular and is built upon the plugin methodology, it is possible to reuse the core components of the Eclipse platform and build just about any Rich Client Platform. Here is a good list of commercial products that are based on the Eclipse RCP framework. The main reasons for developing an Eclipse RCP application would be that it would be realised as a 'Component' model. In other words, building blocks of the application can be re-used as building blocks of other distinct applications. Further, the application would remain OS Independent while giving the user an OS based native look and feel.

Since the main components that serve up an Eclipse RCP UI application JFace and SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) are distinct to Swing in architecture and purpose, there is a learning curve involved which is made easier via a good set of regularly updated tutorials. Hardcore Swing users need not despair as it is possible for both technologies to share the same space. A good place to start learning RCP applications is here and Lars Vogel's comprehensive tutorial.